The Doc Bongo Music

In 2017, The Doc Bongo debuted Bogo L ani Bogo L Fashions (Mud to Mud Fashions) by The Doc Bongo® to an enthusiastic audience of new supporters, the press, and fellow designers. Since then, his work has been applauded on runways, social media, and at fashion conventions. The Doc Bongo is a national and local community synergist with a Masters degree in Social Work. He has donated numerous hours to mentoring and community service, receiving public recognition for his many efforts. In 1999, for example, he was featured as the national poster person for Save the Children/The Advertising Council and for former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s Do Good, Mentor a Child campaign to increase the number of adults serving as mentors for U.S. children.

The ad was widely distributed in The New York Times, the New York Daily News, Newsweek, Image Magazine, and on posters and billboards across the U.S. and Europe. In addition, in 2015, the NAACP and The Greater NY Chapter of The Links, Inc. honored him with their Community Service Award. In that same year, The Doc Bongo also was honored with the Above and Beyond award from the NYS Senate and NYC Council – an award given to select veterans who demonstrate exceptional commitment and extraordinary accomplishments in their service to other veterans. Then, in 2016, The Doc Bongo (formerly, Walter E. Bridgers) was awarded for his exemplary military and civilian service through induction into the NYS Senate Veterans Hall of Fame  The Doc Bongo is a multi-faceted, published, musician, writer, and performer. His original genre of music, that he coins Jokes, Lies and Stories™, is designed to influence individuals to pursue their highest potential. His recent musical contributions in this genre include “Red Hook”, “Gangstar,” and “Belly of the Beast” (which can be found on his latest album, The Humpadilliac, ). The Doc Bongo is an accomplished athlete.

He is a martial artist and former student of Moses Powell, also known as Master Musa Muhammad, an American pioneer of martial arts in the United States. In 2013, Shidoshi Grand Master Ron Van Clief certified The Doc Bongo as a sensei in the Chinese Goju system. The Doc Bongo also is a non-competitive fencer, a member of the Veterans On Guard Fencing Program at the nationally renowned Fencers Club, and a member of USA Fencing, the U.S. national fencing association. The Doc Bongo tells our true story. As the originator of Bogo L ani Bogo L Fashions (Mud to Mud Fashions) by The Doc Bongo® and Jokes, Lies and Stories™, as a national and community synergist, as a veteran, a fencer, and a sensei in Chinese Goju, he represents and honors our heritage, spirit, and potential.